Friday, December 31, 2010

Half way through the dark!

 As we approach the crossing of that temporal line and Star Date 2011 looms ahead. On board the good ship 'Cocteau' we're much sated and somewhat rounder from lots of good rations and fuzzy times. Having safely navigated the Santa Nebula. We're now preparing for active duty on a new mission Code name: 'Ghost Echoes'. I will be writing and producing a 'radio show'. You youngsters can take a moment and Google that now.

 It's been a full year, getting to see so many of you on my jaunts to Blighty and the USA. Your smiles, hugs and conversations, have as always stimulated and inspired me. It was heartening to see that nothing short of a Zombie Apocalypse could cut our numbers down and prevent art from happening. Perhaps, Zombies produce art too? I mean, look at all those unique walks they have? Similar yet distinct?

Reminds me of the Chinese artist Ai Weiwei's 'Sun flower seeds'. Which I got a chance to see but not touch at the Tate Modern in London. The work is immense, one hundred million porcelain "seeds" individually hand-painted by 1,600 Chinese artisans, and scattered over a large area of the massive hall entrance to the museum.

The artist wanted visitors to walk across and touch the work, to experience it. The work is simple and transforming on so many levels. He wanted to take something which was small and mass produce it. Creating out of the sheer number of them, a piece of art which called out to you to interact with it. He was also, by commissioning the project, giving work to those villages of artisans. Whose skills at producing fine Ming pottery has come to be in real danger of dying out. This wonderful photo shows you, one of the few times, people were actually allowed to interact with this powerful piece of art. Before, it became the victim of one twat from 'Health and Safety' who decided, that because a tiny amount of porcelain dust was rising in the air as people touched and walked on it. That it might affect people with respiratory problems. So, instead of just warning the public about the safety hazard and allowing you to enter at your own risk. They put on security guards with air quality meters and roped the whole thing off. It was so sad, so many of us standing right next to this beautiful work of art, without being allowed to do the one thing it had been created for. It's irresistible looking at this massive field of seeds. Your hands itch to pick them up and your feet are in danger of stepping over the white rope!

  So, why I am telling you about this? Because, I've been thinking about the power of the small. How, like those seeds piled up become something more by there mere number. We too are like that. All of us creating our own art, in our own ways. Our collective efforts and energies make a difference. So, besides making you pick up seeds what is the power of the small? Well, an asteroid over a long expanse of time can move out of it's established orbit with just a tiny fraction of sunlight hitting it. They figure the push is the equivalent to the weight of a shot glass, mine of course filled with Captain Jack.

 And that's the thought that I send you this New year. A shot glass full of art can make the largest of obstacles move out of it's seemingly, unchangeable orbit. It can bring light to the darkest of nights. So, when the time comes raise your glass and keep the fires burning. For art is a flame that humans cannot help but come and get warmed by. I leave you with a link to the artwork which I have created this year. Love and peace. Your pal Andrew. "

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