The turn into the new decade has been completed and I find myself like everyone else in the unexplored future ahead of us. This old set of bones feel rather good after a couple of hard months dealing with Mom's health and facing the sobering responsibility I now have. Mom is well but I can see some deterioration in her energy and she tires quickly. I'm no longer just coming home to eat Mom's food. It's only in the last couple of weeks that it's hit me! Grown up stuff!!!
Crossing the Pond.
But do not despair kind reader for I am well. As always at these times it is the theatre which has been the healing balm. It has kept me going and given me somewhere to place the dark emotion and energy. Healing my moods inside by creating something on the outside with other people. Our show has just gone up as I write and our first flight was not too bad with only the normal bumps and scrapes of an opening night. It does look wonderful with delightful costumes and some fabulous props made for the stage. Production was busy with the various calamities that rear their head at every show as you prepare to get the 'Turkey' to fly. I have always loved the excitement of this last bit and the magic which happens as you and the other techs grow closer with the challenge and find new resources and ideas to fix what seem like unbeatable odds with the clock ticking.
His soul goes marching on.
The other thing which has come back and helped tremendously is that the Muses have been dancing in my eyes and I have begun painting again. It's been about two years since I have felt so drawn to work in this form and the release is just wonderful. This art comes from a side of my brain quite different from the theatre. This is less thought out ... more of a mystery. I do not know where I am going when I begin a new painting. There is no goal in sight. No story already laid out. Just the pull of the image and what it calls up in you. And this is what I leave you with these four new pieces. It's best to download and look at them full screen. Let me know what you think. Love and peace Andrew.
The Bride.
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